Sexual identity
The harmony of philosophy, science, and revelation
Finley, John DeSilva, ed. 2022. Sexual identity: the harmony of philosophy, science, and revelation. Steubenville, Ohio: Emmaus Road Publishing.
Have "man" and "woman" become meaningless categories? Public promotion of transgender identities, same-sex marriage, and surrogate parenthood indicate that we no longer view male and female as central to human flourishing. Perhaps man and woman amount to nothing more than one's own self-expression. Many intuitively resist such a view, but feel unable to respond in light of "woke" rhetoric from media-driven voices carrying the apparent blessings of science.
We need to recall who and what we are. Sexual Identity: The Harmony of Philosophy, Science, and Revelation takes up anew the questions "What is a man?" and "What is a woman?" Taking a holistic approach, the book is co-authored by experts from different fields: philosophy, obstetrics and gynecology, endocrinology, psychology, plastic surgery, and theology. For the sake of accessibility, the style is thoughtful but not academic. Each chapter includes review points along with suggestions for further reading. The authors include recognized practitioners in their fields who have spoken nationally and internationally to audiences concerned with today's crisis over the meaning of sexuality.
Sexual Identity assembles these voices into a coherent whole. Written by experts for non-specialists, it offers a comprehensive vision of the human sexual identity, male and female. It offers much-needed wisdom to see through the deceptions that afflict our time.