Introducing Moral Theology: True Happiness and the Virtues

Mattison, William C. 2008. Introducing moral theology: true happiness and the virtues. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press.

Begin your journey into moral theology in this masterful basic text which provides a thorough introduction to Catholic moral theology using real life scenarios ranging from simplistic to deeply complex. Recommended reading for anyone interested in the topic of theology.

As students establish their characters and compose their beliefs about life, they frequently grapple with essential ethical issues, such as, “Why be moral?” By taking into account feedback he received from students and colleagues, William Mattison presents possible answers to this question in Introducing Moral Theology: True Happiness and the Virtues, as well as confronts the impact religious belief has on daily life.

This one-of-a-kind text provides a solid overview of the theological virtues (faith, hope, and love) and cardinal virtues (temperance, prudence, fortitude, and justice). The informative inspection of virtue ethics was thoughtfully crafted to appeal to non-Catholics and Catholics alike, though written predominantly from the Catholic moral tradition. Contains illuminating case studies, terms and definitions, and study questions to help solidify the students’ learnings.


Introducción al Estudio sobre el Conocimiento Sensible y la Experiencia


La agonía del psicoanálisis