The Metaphysical and Psychological Principles of Love

Faraon, O.P., Michael Joseph. 1952. The Methaphysical and Psychological Principles of Love. 1 ed. Iowa: WM. C. Brown Company.

The present work is an attempt at an exposition of the Thomistic doctrine of love set forth within the framework of the true meaning of man. The pressing need of such an exposition is occasioned by the sudden surge and popularity of the opinions advanced by the devotees of existentialism.

The following pages will nonetheless present a positive exposition of the true doctrine of love rather than a criticism of any particular system of thought. A criticism, as such, cannot attempt to give an accurate picture of the whole. It is just this view of the whole, an exposition of the nature and role of love in its true context, which seems necessary.


The metaphysical foundations of love


The moral compass