Work and play

Collected papers on the philosophy of psychology, 1938-1963

Allers, Rudolf, Alexander Batthyany, Jorge Olaechea Catter, y Andrew Tallon. 2009. Work and play: collected papers on the philosophy of psychology, 1938-1963. Milwaukee, Wis: Marquette University Press.

Rudolf Allers – neurologist, psychiatrist and philosopher, former prominent Freudian and former founding member of the Adlerian Society of Individual Psychology, friend of Edith Stein, mentor of Hans Urs von Balthasar and Viktor E. Frankl – wrote these 14 essays on the philosophy of psychology between 1938 and 1963. Two key ideas in his thinking are reflected in these essays: no one single discipline can claim to be able to understand human personhood, yet each discipline might add some knowledge about certain aspects of it; and secondly, the discourse between psychiatry, philosophy, and theology is not one across borders, but rather one between and about human beings. This anthology not only provides us with a history of a discipline – consciousness research – which is currently evolving; it also serves as a model for how the project of a nonreductionist yet scientifically informed philosophy of personhood could and should be like.

“Today Allers is more actual than ever. His findings and knowledge are not limited by time. He has given us a lot, but he has also taken a lot away from us: in many aspects Allers has anticipated the psychology of the future.” Viktor E. Frankl, Author of Man’s Search for Meaning

Among the chapters:

Notes on Rudolf Allers and His Thought, Introduction

  1. Cause in Psychology

  2. Irresistible Impulses

  3. The Vis Cogitativa and Evaluation

  4. The Cognitive Aspect of Emotions

  5. The Limitations of Medical Psychology

  6. Intuition and Abstraction

  7. Philosophia–Philanthropia

  8. Ethics and Anthropology

  9. The Dialectics of Freedom

  10. Psychiatry and the Role of Personal Belief

  11. Reflections on Co-Operation and Communication

  12. Ontoanalysis: A New Trend in Psychiatry

  13. Work and Play

  14. The Freud Legend


Virtud, Psicología y Salud Mental


De Aristóteles a Darwin (y vuelta)